Buchhandlung Spazierer


PONS Die drei ??? Fragezeichen Soccer GangstersOverlay E-Book Reader

PONS Die drei ??? Fragezeichen Soccer Gangsters

Lektüre: Englisch lernen mit den 3 Fragezeichen | Brigitte Johanna Henkel-Waidhofer

E-Book (EPUB)
2015 Pons
100 Seiten; ab 11 Jahre
ISBN: 978-3-12-050016-2

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Kurztext / Annotation
Welches Interesse könnte ein Lebensmittelkonzern daran haben, eine ganze Fußballmannschaft unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen? Jimboy, Justus' Cousin, hat sich mächtig verändert, seit er Stürmer in dieser Elf ist. Und zwar nicht zu seinem Vorteil. Die drei ??? merken bald den Zusammenhang zwischen Jimboys Schweigsamkeit und seinen Erlebnissen im streng bewachten Trainingslager. Aber kaum haben sie Erfolg bei ihren Erkundigungen, schaltet sich Inspektor Cotta ein. Justus, Peter und Bob sollen die Finger von dem brandheißen Fall lassen. Das sehen die drei ??? entschieden anders...

Englisch lernen mit Justus, Peter und Bob

- spannende, englische Story mit Übersetzungshilfen
- alphabetische Wortliste zum einfachen Nachschlagen

Ab dem 3./4. Lernjahr

Beschreibung für Leser
Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

1. An Evil Foul

Peter was in extreme pain. Justus saw the Second Investigator fall down in slow-motion.

"Peter!" Justus screamed, but his friend couldn't hear him. Taking big strides he ran down the narrow stone steps and almost bumped into Elizabeth and Kelly. The girls belonged to the medical team that takes care of injured players. They were running onto the playing field behind two men carrying a stretcher. Justus wanted to follow them, but a boy with an armband held him back. "Not you," he said rudely "you don't belong here." Justus gave him a dirty look but stopped at the side line. He could see Peter's belly quickly moving up and down. Kelly was worried and bent over her friend.

Almost all of the players jogged up to them and stood in a circle around the injured boy. The referee signaled to the helpers to hurry. Justus felt his anger growing. Here was a seriously injured player lying on the ground and this jerk, was reacting as cool as a cucumber.

"Idiot," he hissed. Carefully they lifted Peter onto the stretcher. Then the helpers and their patient disappeared behind the wide swinging doors into the first aid room.

Justus wasn't interested in soccer until his high school team made the varsity league. The rules weren't hard to understand for him, but he still wasn't a real fan. He was only half interested in today's match as well. The only reason he came along was because Peter had become the midfield-star of the team in the past weeks.

"Hey!" Justus went back to the boy from the security squad. "How did that happen?"

The other boy looked at him with pity. "During the counterattack after the corner ball, the boy from the 'Angels' covering on the left missed a cross." He seemed to use as many special technical terms as possible. He wanted to show off as an expert of the new favorite sport of many teenagers and also wanted to make Justus angry. "Your man got the ball and the Angels' sweeper swept him away."

"Well, they're stupid to still play with a sweeper, it's really old-fashioned!" the First Investigator said. He wanted to stand up to this show-off. At the same moment the door of the first aid room opened and Kelly stormed out. "It's probably the cruciate ligament," she called, "it's either overstretched or a bit torn. He has to be x-rayed."

"I have a problem," Justus said. "I would like to go along to the hospital but my cousin is arriving today. He is staying with us for a while. I promised Uncle Titus to go along to the airport."

"No problem," Kelly said. "Elizabeth and I will go along with Peter. We'll call you afterwards, okay?"

Justus nodded and was relieved. In the past he often felt that both girls and their whole cheerleading squad were quite complicated. But that changed totally ever since Bob and Peter's girl-friends started playing soccer. They were also responsible for organizing tournaments.

Two hours later Justus and Uncle Titus were standing in t

Brigitte Johanna Henkel-Waidhofer, geb. 1958, seit 1985 landespolitische Korrespondentin für das 'Badische Tagblatt', langjährige Mitarbeiterin des 'Staatsanzeigers', Buchautorin. Lebt in Stuttgart.