Buchhandlung Spazierer


Discourse Analysis of CorruptionOverlay E-Book Reader

Discourse Analysis of Corruption

Blendi Kajsiu

E-Book (PDF)
2015 Ashgate Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-4724-3131-8

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€ 143,59

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Kurztext / Annotation
Why did Albania enjoy some of the most successful anti-corruption programs and institutions along with what appeared to be growing levels of corruption during the period 1998-2005? Looking at corruption through a post-structuralist discourse analysis perspective this book argues that the dominant corruption discourse in Albania served primarily to institute the neoliberal order rather than eliminate corruption. As a rare example of post-structuralist discourse analysis of corruption this book can be useful for future research on discourses of corruption in other countries of the region and beyond.

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