Buchhandlung Spazierer


Border and Word Breakthrough

Border and Word Breakthrough

Reflections | Helmut Lauschke

2018 Epubli
80 Seiten; 4 mm x 125 mm; ab 1 Jahre
ISBN: 978-3-7467-6519-8

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€ 10,00

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Kurztext / Annotation
It is the breath of the memory of a great love that you gave in an infinite way. Yes, it was a wonderful journey through the years, through the days.

It is the breath of the memory of a great love that you gave in an infinite way. Yes, it was a wonderful journey through the years, through the days. Great was the moment without the last question of where to go and why. Life goes into trains, in the counting of the trains you are having a hard time, especially when your heart is racing, when the love gives you more pain, that you lose your orientation and your sight and senses slip away and you are disturbed in the meantime. What will come, you have guessed it, it takes your strength and pushes you to the ground, as if it were the forest, the young, to clear, which is only growing with its trunks, the thin with the delicate bark and the root branches that begin to grasp in a ground that looks friendly towards you.It stays with you, the last breath, it's for you. My last eyelid will envelop you with the mantle of joy and longing. See that it is worn and has the patches of pain and loneliness on the sleeves. What then can arise anew, that is something completely different, whose name nobody knows, and whose form from the unformed no one suspects and no one draws.That's the way it is, and that's the way it will be: the idea is great and powerful, we can not stand against it, but we are carried far to it. It is a flight that does not stop after us. Pull the splinter out of my breath and hold it tight, untie the fetter from your breath, so that we can breathe and taste some of the freedom in the lungs.Now the language lies perfected or unfinished in the gone-away, as if it sleeps for eternity in silence with the good heart, who now silently carries the past into the future and no longer thinks of returning to earth. It is imaginable that the friend of the children and the elderly watches out of the space of great freedom for what the people down here are trying to understand and often contradict each other.

Lauschke, Helmut- Kindheitserlebnisse von der "Reichskristallnacht" und den Bombennächten über Köln- Übersiedlung nach Bautzen, wo der Vater als Gynäkologe eine kleine Frauenklinik betreibt- sieht als 10-Jähriger wenige Monate vor Kriegsende, wie ein Zug von Häftlingen in KZ-Kleidung von der SS bewacht durch die Stadt zieht- 1951 Rückkehr nach Köln, um dem "roten" Polit-Terror zu entgehen- Medizinstudium in Köln und München- seit 1960 Arzt, 1961 promoviert- dreijährige Ausbildung in der pathologischen Anatomie (Universität Köln)- Facharzt der Chirurgie (Universität Köln), der Traumatologie und plastisch rekonstruktiven Chirurgie (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)- 1985-1998 Arzt und Chirurg am Hospital in Oshakati- zum "Honorary Professor of the University of Namibia" ernannt (1997