Buchhandlung Spazierer




The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing | Daniel H. Pink

2019 Canongate Books
272 Seiten; 197 mm x 128 mm
ISBN: 978-1-78211-991-3

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€ 10,70

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Intriguing . . . written with a light, assured touch Observer

Kurztext / Annotation
Unlock the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, school and at home; from the internationally bestselling author of Drive and To Sell is Human

Timing is everything . . .

How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule?
Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test results?
When should you have your first coffee of the day?
Why is singing in time with other people as good for us as exercise?
And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers or get married?

In When, Daniel H. Pink distills cutting edge research and data on timing and synthesises them into a fascinating, readable narrative. Packed with irresistible stories and practical takeaways, it provides compelling insights into how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

Daniel H. Pink is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Drive, To Sell Is Human and When. His books have sold millions of copies, have been translated into forty-two languages and have won multiple awards. Pink and his family live in Washington, D.C.