Buchhandlung Spazierer


Jolt of certain climatic factors

Jolt of certain climatic factors

Stanislas Bessoh Bell

2017 Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
52 Seiten; 220 mm x 150 mm
ISBN: 978-620207121---5

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€ 37,00

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Different cultures attach their legends and beliefs to the Sun (myths of the Sun) as in the Greek mythology where the sunlight embodies the god personified by this star to the point where, to justify the legitimacy of a sovereign or increase the prestige of its lineage, direct family ties, is frequently established between the monarch and the Sun. Its place in the sky allows the control of everything that happens on Earth. Thus, courage, common sense and the attention of enlightened men helped contemporary generations to explore the Sun and describe the phenomena. Due to the progress of science in optical instruments, the study of the activity of the Sun is possible and derived data have guided this study. The objective of this work is to analyze the evolution of solar activity over time.

Stanislas Bessoh Bell, author of two papers on the themes: "Impact of climate variability and sedimentation on water availability at the dam on the Sanaga to Edéa" (Specialized Graduate Studies), 2012 and "The Influence of Hydroclimatic Fluctuations on Hydroelectric and Aluminum Production: The Case of the Edéa Dam" (Master), 2005;